Is smoking allowed during Lent?

It is important for believers who are addicted to smoking to know not to smoke while fasting. This problem needs to be considered from several parties, because it has problems.

smoking in fasting

Is smoking a sin if it is not clearly stated in the Bible? And is it fasting if you can’t let go of this addiction? Need to be given a description of this problem and other issues of concern.

Smoking: sin or not?

Many people mistakenly state that smoking is not a sin, as there is no clear indication of this in the Bible. The fact is that smoking, like greed, drunkenness, luxury, are the most common bodily desires. But the holy fathers interpreted the concept of the spirit as a spiritual disease, which was a stumbling block for the salvation of the human soul. Smoking also develops other evils in the human psyche. Thus, selfishness begins to manifest rudely. Parents who smoke in front of their children do not think of the danger posed to their health. And besides, they inadvertently accustom themselves to this destructive business. In this case, the parents are not only acting against the Christian conscience, but also violating human moral rules.

The conclusion shows: smoking is a sin that damages your soul. More dangerous if smoking during Lent, because this period is considered the best for cleansing the body. By the way, smoking is a sin too because it has a detrimental effect on health. The Bible says that health, like life, is given to us by God as a gift. And a person has no moral right to shorten his life independently of addiction. A person who smokes does not realize that he is not only endangering his own health, but also the health of those around him.

Smoking is followed by another sin - self -justification. Probably not a single smoker would not try to justify his or her destructive desires. The phrase "If I wanted to, I could quit smoking easily, but now I don’t see the point" is uttered by every smoker. This is a self-deception from a meek and shy person to admit to himself that he is really addicted to smoking. All efforts to allow smoking seem very depressing when compared to the information available on medications:

  1. The composition of tobacco contains a strong poison nicotine (about 2%). By the way, nicotine sulfate is often used in the agricultural sector to destroy pests.
  2. During smoking, nicotine enters the body and then begins to penetrate the brain.
  3. People who smoke for several years begin to notice the deterioration of their health. This is due to the fact that nicotine poisons eventually find a weak link in the body and cause serious illness.
  4. Scientists have proven that nicotine contains a large number of carcinogens that cause cancer.
  5. Radioactive substances in the composition of tobacco have a strong effect on health.

This is just a short list of the disadvantages of smoking, and other equally serious problems occur. Smoking also leads to divorce, as this is an undoubted blow to the family budget, which means an ongoing scandal. In such quarrels, the smoker is unable to control his emotions adequately, which leads to horrible vocabulary and even attacks.

Is fasting the right time to quit smoking?

quit smoking while fasting

It is foolish to ask if you can smoke during the fasting period, as this is the time that can be the most important reason to quit smoking.

One must fight all sinful tendencies, especially regarding your health. Maybe this is a fasting time that will be a real opportunity for you to say goodbye to this bad habit.

Of course, everyone understands that people who smoke for a long time will find it very difficult to quit smoking.

If your will allows and you can quit smoking in the blink of an eye, this is certainly commendable. But not everyone can take such a step. For many people, a step -by -step approach to this difficult matter is more appropriate.

How to Quit Smoking During Lent?

Fasting time is a fertile time for doing deeds. This is the time for you to do it. This sinful habit even occurs in the famous saying: "Smoking - to the devil for incense. " If you do not stop smoking while fasting, then everything else, in principle, will not make sense anymore. How can fasting be considered valid if one does not give up his greatest addiction? Of course not.

The best help in the fight against smoking is Orthodox prayer. A miraculous prayer before God awakens the conscience to take harsh action against oneself.

Great Lent is a blessed time when, through the sacrament of communion, a person is united with God through prayer. God gave him strength and health for new deeds. Read a prayer, talk to a priest about smoking habits, go to fellowship, and you yourself will want to say goodbye to this addiction.

Many people advise to quit smoking on the last day before the start of Lent. The bottom line is: smoke in the evening, and before bed, place an empty pack of cigarettes on the table next to you and next to it there is a note "I don’t smoke starting today. " You can also put an empty matchbox or light container used innext to it. On the one hand, this is a pleasant remedy, but on the other hand, it is very effective. Thanks to this method, thousands of people quit smoking.

No matter which way you choose to quit smoking, the main thing is to trust yourself and God.

This will give you strength and help you quit smoking.

Unfortunately, most believers abandon this disgusting habit only during fasting, and after that they start smoking again. But as they say, it all started small. Maybe this will be your small step towards big business. Think: if you don’t smoke during the fasting period, then in the end you can’t say goodbye to the painful toxins that consume your soul and body?

Also, pastors are advised to always confess. Unable to hold back and smoke a cigarette - repent, seek the advice of your spiritual mentor. Priests sometimes sentenced smokers. This is a special rule of prayer. For example, if you want to quit smoking, then every day read the canon of repentance to Jesus Christ during fasting. This method acts as a psychological environment. However, it also helps a lot.

In any case, never give up. The Bible says, "Ask and you will receive. " If you believe, pray and ask God for help, you can quit smoking once in a while and truly enjoy life.